Our Services
Engaging our services is simple, just call or text 847-752-5933 or email us at [email protected].
We will get you set up with your Location Manager and they will do a file pull to show locations that are potentially available and/or gather information to start scouting.

Location Library
We have a massive photo library with everything from city streets and parks, to schools, hospitals, warehouses, and homes, and everything in between. We can offer a file pull so you can see a selection of the exact locations you need, or can use it to hone in on what you want us to scout. Get in touch to get your project started. Our library is private, but we can have a file pull out to you within the day!

We start with research then move to running, driving, hiking, or flying around to find the perfect street, office, rooftop, house, school, bus stop, farm—you name it. Give us your creative direction and we will find it, clear it for availability, photograph it, and send you a gallery of perfect locations. Get technical: we can do compass readings, sun position, and specific angles to match your layout. We have 7 scouts which means we can pull in extra help for your large projects or last-minute needs. Challenge us. We live for it!

After you select locations, we work out every detail for you. This means executing Location Agreements, negotiating with municipalities, securing permits, hiring police/fire/security, and alerting businesses and neighbors (among various magic tricks). Our goal is to make your first choice locations happen. And, it doesn’t hurt that we know everyone—like, everyone. Need to figure something out that’s not related to locations? We have recommendations for that too.

Location Managing
This is when we put on our superhero cape! Clearing parking, landing trucks, commanding police and fire, and controlling the weather (ok not really, but we try)… And that’s just what happens by 5am. We solve all the problems between call and wrap, and at the end of the day, we oversee the magic act of disappearing and not leaving any evidence that a shoot ever happened. Voila!

Automotive Productions
A Levinson Locations specialty, we love shooting cars (and trucks, buses, motorcycles, etc)! We are experts at assessing the direction of light by time of day, our street and road files are endless, and we work closely with police and film offices to secure the proper closures. We manage everything from articulated lifts to hydrant tie-ins, from street sign removal to Ukrainian arm/process trailer/camera car routes. Handling complexity and precision planning is exactly what we’re here for.

Experiential Brand Activations
Experiential advertising has become more prevalent and the need for location-specific support is key to success. Although these events are often photographed or filmed, the main purpose is the experience itself. We have developed a specialty in these events and understand the desire for a unique, unexpected location. You might be revealing a new line of cars or creating a pop-up stage and bar in the middle of the restaurant district. You have the vision, we make it happen: getting it approved by every city department, working out the logistics, and of course, scouting to find the absolute best spot.